Sunday, June 8, 2008

Corporate slaves

Glenn Beck writes on the behalf of CNN Headline News entailing his personal interests and beliefs of the, "gold standard - jobs Americans will not do." Finding American employees to fit minimum wage jobs has become futile and far from one it seems. Americans seem to have shown no interests in the "hard jobs,"needed to be filled creating a vacancy for the immigrant workers. Resulting in companies that hire immigrants legal/illegal for a steady workforce. Many companies purchasing work visas have created much wealth, and prosperity for such people although the companies that are not in compliance have created jobs for illegal immigrants hence, "corporate slaves." This is where capitalistic monsters choose to employ illegal immigrants to eliminate all the burden and overhead typical Americans bring. Problems persist in keeping the newly poised genre of visa workers throughout the United States, with the government limiting the amount of H-2b visas. I can see that the government would like to eliminate the amount of illegal activity since it doesn't stimulate all parts of the economy as well as isolating the drop house issues where large groups of immigrants live in overcrowded impoverished areas. Beck has exercised a strong point of view allowing more visa's to populate the general labor force that a percentage of Americans have deemed, "too hard." I think we need the labor force whether it is immigrants, reinstitutionalized bums, or any day regular citizen. Creating too many works visa's may create a lower labor rate for the economy allowing companies to offer less competitive wages for higher work expectations. We will rely on outsourced labor which is not so good because it will result in more Americans needing a higher diplomacy level that may not be achieved due to monetary situations and the lack of greater job titles.

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