Friday, June 27, 2008

Is public financing broke?

CNN post how Sen. Obama has not used public financing in his campaign. He states, "the public financing of presidential elections as it exists today is broken, and we face opponents who've become masters at gaming this broken system." The sum $85 million dollars rejected from public financing has brought controversy from all over the board. Creating doubts of Obama's competency, and reliability as a presidential candidate. Due to his inability to sustain his pledge to the Midwest Democracy Network to use a publicly financed election.

I think that using new campaign stragies such as Obama's fundraising machine is awesome. It generates more political participation and allows people with strong views to contribute where they can see the results without any real mediation. Unlike the usual campaign that McCain is using where corporate America and public financing will fund the presidential campaign.

The polls show that ever year the number of people electing to donate a few dollars from there taxes are dwindling, as I am one of them. I think for the most part the public has not the knowledge to support such things. Only the pocketbook of each indivual matters to each middle class person that makes up the public financing.

It is only American of McCain to use the typical route for presidential candidate. It is an all-American theme in a very different world. Time has changed as though the government will also, to stay powerful. I think that Obama will bring a new view to the table, and change the way things run.

Monday, June 23, 2008

In support of Obama

I believe the tactic of Al Gore using vengeance in the aim of promoting green energy alongside supporting Obama is not true. I understand that you're trying to point out that Al Gore is backing up Obama in his election because he is trying to have a sense of revenge, but it seems as though they share common interest in the most current uprising crisis, "ENERGY!"

I am glad to admit that I am a supporter of Obama. I support Obama for his green energy policies that he has mentioned to start upon election of his presidency. This could not be a better time to push a green energy reform in America. America does not need another leader that is willing to look the other way of the energy issue at hand. With both Al Gore and Obama pushing green energy, it is a great time to have a stronger voice of future issues to come in the energy grid. I believe a big change to come is greatly awaited and needed dramatically.

Do not get me wrong our country has become powerful and has set many standards due to the work ethic and capitalistic morale. Doing so has created a world full of people who think surviving is working to make ends which are true, but the world is only so big as I see our population ever so growing. We will find real survival when the worlds economy overgrows its grounds allowing us to live in the world once known.

Al Gore is a great man that stands behind what he thinks. This shows that he stands behind Obama for what he believes in. Together I hope these men create a much healthier world for the future.

Comment to (American Adventure)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Green energy or just a Green seat?

Obama's Energy Reform Proposal

The debate of the most efficient energy bill for the American citizens seem to show a lot of whom each senator is like inside. With the overgrowing concern of oil prices increasing everyday by the barrel makes me contemplate why has it taken America this long to adopt to alternative energy sources. It would be nice if Obama would really implement a green energy sector. Saying it will create over five million jobs not mentioning the jobs that would be lost from the opposing side. Nonetheless, having over 150 billion contributed to the green sector over a ten year span would be the best opposition available for our country as it stands now, in contrast , to McCain supporting the current economy as it stands pretty much. McCain is definitely a republican. America doesn't need another republican administrator to create more political gain for a select group we need political movement towards new ways of living while not relying on other countries for energy, food, and various products. Obama is said to create new energy standards such as low-carbon fuel being more efficient, and investing in clean energies such as solar, wind, and biodiesel which I have seen much of already in Austin at the pumps. While McCain is said to have not participated in any energy reform. Only proposing the tax holiday day allowing all profits to go to the oil industry and costing the economy more harm than good.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Who crushed Alex's Car?

Alexandra Paul is an actress widely known in the show "Baywatch." She has been driving electric cars for 18 years and is a founding member of Plug in America also appearing in the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car?" She states that electric cars have been developed since the 1900's. They were nice clean and simple. It was not until a few years after where Texas crude oil was discovered along with an electric starter to introduce combustion motors at a lower price in contrast to electric motors. This movement put the demand in the direction of combustion motors suppressing electric. An energy crisis in the 60's and 70's brought up new electric models developed by General Motors also creating a new point of view with California. California has such a large market it decided to have all manufactures to make 2% of their production electric if they have the capabilities. This action was soon overlooked by all the tycoons in the automobile and oil industry. The documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car?" informed the public of how the economy is not ready for a green change. America has the capabilities to create electric cars that can reach 0-60 in 7.4 seconds with top speeds of 140 mph for a length of 100 miles. 100 miles might not seem much, but the average American commutes only 34 miles which are plenty. The car seems to be the best option made available as I can see it. A person can plug their car up at night on off peak hours when the grid is not so hot, and wake up to get 100 miles at a charge for around the equivalence of 60 cents per gallon. It is interesting that the government seems concerned with the whole green theory now when it has been available for 18 years. This doesn't sound like a representative democracy, more less a direct democracy of tycoons that will get every cent out of oil before any other type of primary energy source will be used.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Corporate slaves

Glenn Beck writes on the behalf of CNN Headline News entailing his personal interests and beliefs of the, "gold standard - jobs Americans will not do." Finding American employees to fit minimum wage jobs has become futile and far from one it seems. Americans seem to have shown no interests in the "hard jobs,"needed to be filled creating a vacancy for the immigrant workers. Resulting in companies that hire immigrants legal/illegal for a steady workforce. Many companies purchasing work visas have created much wealth, and prosperity for such people although the companies that are not in compliance have created jobs for illegal immigrants hence, "corporate slaves." This is where capitalistic monsters choose to employ illegal immigrants to eliminate all the burden and overhead typical Americans bring. Problems persist in keeping the newly poised genre of visa workers throughout the United States, with the government limiting the amount of H-2b visas. I can see that the government would like to eliminate the amount of illegal activity since it doesn't stimulate all parts of the economy as well as isolating the drop house issues where large groups of immigrants live in overcrowded impoverished areas. Beck has exercised a strong point of view allowing more visa's to populate the general labor force that a percentage of Americans have deemed, "too hard." I think we need the labor force whether it is immigrants, reinstitutionalized bums, or any day regular citizen. Creating too many works visa's may create a lower labor rate for the economy allowing companies to offer less competitive wages for higher work expectations. We will rely on outsourced labor which is not so good because it will result in more Americans needing a higher diplomacy level that may not be achieved due to monetary situations and the lack of greater job titles.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

OIL for FREE - I think not!

This article is written by David McKenzie at CNN on a U.S. warship off the Somali coast, aimed at detaining pirates to no longer plague the area.
This article shows how the price of oil is affecting the international trade commerce. Pirates from The Horn of Africa(Somali) have caused the American and British Navy to commence minor authority measures to secure the international trade of oil. I have included a hypertext that will take you to a short, but interesting clip of the measures that are being taken to secure the pirates at hand.
This article shows how supply and demand can affect a country. In this instance people drive themselves, into a world to control their own sovereignty. This is a article that seems interesting enough that I can vouch for.